Whispering Acres Golden Retrievers

Owners Contract
(must be signed before pick-up)
Whispering Acres Golden Retrievers Children's Contract
I promise to take care of my dog, _____________________________________, during his/her whole lifetime. I will teach my dog to trust me by treating him with love and respect. I will be kind, gentle, and generous to my dog at all times. I will be responsible for providing him with the things that he needs to be healthy and happy. I am making this commitment to my dog.
I will give food and water to my dog in a clean dish everyday.
I will make sure my dog has shelter from hot, cold, and wet weather.
I will make sure my dog sees a veterinarian for shots and checkups.
I will provide a collar and ID tag for my dog to wear at all times.
I will keep my dog from running loose in the neighborhood.
I will keep my dog clean and brushed and looking good.
I will spend time everyday with my dog playing, or going for a walk.
I will always protect my dog from people or things that might hurt him.
Child's Signature_______________________________ Date____________________
Child's Signature_______________________________ Date____________________
Child's Signature_______________________________ Date____________________
Child's Signature_______________________________ Date____________________
Our dogs are more then just dogs, they're a living treasure!